  • Tax Assessor/Collector - 979-828-3337
    Constables Office - 979-828-2122
    County Auditor - 979-828-3474
    County Clerk - 979-828-4130
    County Judge - 979-828-3542
    County Treasurer - 979-828-3201
    District Attorney - 979-828-3205
    District Clerk - 979-828-3636
    District Judge 979-828-4656
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 - 979-364-2750
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 - 979-279-2301
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 - 979-828-3929
    Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 - 254-746-7836
    Sheriff's Office - 979-828-3299 

Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
Robertson County Tax Assessor-Collector

Michael "Duba" Brewer




We are open for normal business



Office Hours:  8:00 am - 4:30 pm  (Monday - Friday)

  Physical Address Mailing Address
315 N. Center Street P.O. Box 220
   Franklin, Texas  77856 Franklin, Texas  77856

Phone: 979-828-3337 
Fax: 979-828-4011


Chief Deputy - Marcy Wiley

Tax Deputies:

Deputy Clerk - Regina Gray
Deputy Clerk - Nastasia James
Deputy Clerk - Toni Mathews

Deputy Clerk - Stacey Nelson




Click on the link below for Account Search:

Capitol Appraisal Group


Click on the link below or call 1-866-549-1010 to make a tax payment using 
Bureau Code 3169856

  • Have your tax statement and credit card available.
  • There will be a convenience fee charged for this service.


Tax Rate Notices:


Tax Rate Worksheets:


Texas Department of Motor VehiclesVehicle Title & Registration Forms 

Texas Department of Motor VehiclesWaco Regional Office .

The tax assessor-collector is a public official elected on a countywide basis to a four year term of office. This official's principal responsibility is to collect taxes on county property for Robertson County and other taxing authorities pursuant to inter-local agreements. The tax assessor-collector calculates taxes on property, including taxes on agricultural land, timberland, and railroad rolling stock, and then billing statements are mailed to taxpayers. The tax assessor-collector is also responsible for motor vehicle registrations and the collection of related fees and taxes